Selección de 10 testimonios

Youssef Guezoum Compositeur
Film Score

L'enregistrement d'un disque n'est pas une étape à prendre à la légère. Une mauvaise production e...

Hero No More Band
Norwegian Deathcore

Check it out you will like it.

Electric Sound Continuum Band
Jazz-Pop / 60s Pop

After we completed our record, we were still feeling that the final gloss that would make it soun...

Prince Louie Montana Singer / Songwriter
Hip Hop / Pop

Shootouts to MaximalSound they have made all my songs sound fantastic with their great mastering...

Pilgerhertz Musician / Composer
Alternative Music / Electronic Rock / Spoken Word / Experimental Composition

My music should - in combination with meaningful lyrics - increase the measure of love and unders...

NEVU Artist
Beats / Hip Hop

Maximal Sound es una gran herramienta para masterizar o pre masterizar producciones tanto prelimi...

Igg Knight Producer / Songwriter / Programmer
Hip Hop / Pop / R&B

I've been a MaximalSound customer for a while now and seriously love it! It doesn't matter if I'v...

Federico Ferretti Band

I tried Maximalsound just for curiosity and, I must admit the result was has made...

Coloured Tears Songwriter / Komponieren
Synthpop / Wave / Alternative / Dark Electro

Ich bin froh auf Maximalsound gestoßen zu sein. Was hier für den Preis geboten wird ist fantastis...

Lianne Morgan Singer
Rock / Pop / Country

Maximalsound meets industry standard and more. They are professional, and a cost effective way of...

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