L'enregistrement d'un disque n'est pas une étape à prendre à la légère. Une mauvaise production e...
…After we completed our record, we were still feeling that the final gloss that would make it soun...
…Shootouts to MaximalSound they have made all my songs sound fantastic with their great mastering...
…My music should - in combination with meaningful lyrics - increase the measure of love and unders...
…Maximal Sound es una gran herramienta para masterizar o pre masterizar producciones tanto prelimi...
…I've been a MaximalSound customer for a while now and seriously love it! It doesn't matter if I'v...
…I tried Maximalsound just for curiosity and, I must admit the result was surprising...it has made...
…Ich bin froh auf Maximalsound gestoßen zu sein. Was hier für den Preis geboten wird ist fantastis...
…Maximalsound meets industry standard and more. They are professional, and a cost effective way of...