MaximalSound es increíble, logré aumentar rápidamente la calidad de mis canciones, el mejor siste...
…MaximalSound ist perfekt für sehr günstiges und professionelles Mastering. Ein super schneller Se...
…MaximalSound is THE place to be for fast, great and very affordable mastering! MaximalSound deliv...
…Maximalsound meets industry standard and more. They are professional, and a cost effective way of...
…Dans mon cas et pour de nouveaux morceaux, Maximalsound est une solution peu onéreuse et rapide p...
…After we completed our record, we were still feeling that the final gloss that would make it soun...
…I tried Maximalsound just for curiosity and, I must admit the result was has made...
…Chanteur classique de formation je tiens à exprimer ma grande satisfaction auprès de MaximalSound...
…MaximalSound is a great, practical and cost effective tool for anyone who produces music! It give...
…I've been a MaximalSound customer for a while now and seriously love it! It doesn't matter if I'v...